The Brown Skin Forum
This section of my website focuses on you...I'll feature your comments on my work and send special messages to you from time to time. Let's keep in touch and I'll be sure to let you know what's going on in the Brown Skin universe! Here's a Forum message from 2016 that's here to get things started!
2020 GoFundMe Shout-outs...
The following folks were instrumental in ensuring that my most recent GoFundMe crowd-sourcing campaign, to fund the publication of my fifth volume of poetry, "Brown Skin and the Brave New World: A Poet's Anthem", was moved forward in strong fashion. I am so appreciative of your generous support and confidence in me. I hope and pray that the book meets your every expectation and that you genuinely feel like you had a role in its coming to fruition. For many months now, you've been the wind beneath my wings. Blessings, peace and poetry to all!
Drew Johnson - Paula King - Jay Lordan - Ed Siegal - Garry Ratliff Sr. - Brent and Jacquie Williams - Lisa Tripp -
Jana Cardoza - Judith Carrington - Lovita Strain - Candace Carter-Smalley - Shemika Moore - David Kilpatrick - Ken Krause -
Joyce Russell - Catherine Quaratiello - Wendell Knox Jr. - Mary E. (Betsy) Taylor - Diana Ubinas - Walter Washington -
Yvonne and Gideon Thompson - John Pompeo - Martin and Niko Dias - John and Crystal Blue - Deborah Jackson -
Rocklyn and Eva Clarke - Jessie Saintcyr - Roberta Owens-Jones - Joan Virtue-Taylor - Calvin and Sandra McDowell -
Derrick Alleyne - Jocelynn Kountze - Elisa Speranza - France Neff - Denyse Furey-Tate - Reggie Jackson - Cat Hogan -
Carlota Arthur - Scott Hubeny - Pamela Calloway - Earl and Janet Sydney - Burnie Legette - Shirley Walcott - Lynn Keel​ -
Angela Keller - Pierre Etienne - Darryl Prater - Donna Clifford - Maria Swift - Deborah Mitchell-Curry - Henry Milorin -
Ilene Lerner - Lihi Haruvi-Means - Joyce Finley-Stamps - Elva Green - Francine Abbott - Kevin Hart - DeAnna DeLeon -
Brian Collins - Penny Outlaw - Julie Abbott Kent - Dennis Day - Brenda Thompson-Stuckey - Chrysanthia Carr-Seals -
Joseph Jones - Amanda Bowen - Paul Lehrman and Sharon Kennedy - Domenic Camarra - Michel Adjibidou -
Celia Lee - Dinsdale and Millane Williams - Calvin Lindsay, Jr. - Sybil Gilchrist - Rita Sparrow - Rev. Florence King -
Dr. Xenia Bhembe - Gayle Thomas - Gregory Lake - Lisa Goodman - Rene Watkins Payne - Divya Anand - Robin Harcum -
Max Heinegg - Mary Ciccariello - Betty Hill - Tony Turner - Joy Harris - Ann Frenning Kossuth - Gail Baker -
Willie Moody - Deborah Seaton - Michael Lebednik - Mary MacNamee
A post-script on the GoFundMe campaign...the initial pledge activity fell a little bit short of the stated goal. I have decided to leave the campaign live and available to anyone that might still wish to contribute. GFM asks for roughly 8.5% of the total raised for administrative and processing fees. Beyond helping to defray this expense, all additional funds raised will continue to be used to further the marketing and promotion of all five Brown Skin books. Bottom line...there's always more to do!
Some 2014 video from Youtube...Your boy TC on BNN's "Willie's Web" progam with host Willie Mae Pleasants and some awesome local poets...I'm the second poet in this segment. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Video errata: New web address for me is definitely Love this WIX platform!

Forum Feedback...
Hi Terry,
I received my package in the mail yesterday and I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS! And thank you so much for remembering me. Your new book is wonderful, although I’ve only read a few pages of it so far (only having received it yesterday). This will be nice reading for my Orange Line commute throughout the summer. I can switch back and forth between the two books -Joyfully.
Love, Joy, Peace and much success.
Sister Barbara
Barbara Wright
Office Manager, Boston, MA 5-22-14
"Received my copy of the book yesterday. An early favorite is, "Barbie Doesn't Live Here". Very cool. My daughter loved it"
Bill Casey
HS Classmate, Teacher, Medford, MA 5-22-14
"Received my copy yesterday as well TC... I opened it to a random page and was presented with "My Baby Girl and I" .... talkin' about hittin' home!!! Can't wait to read more!"
Ed Seigal
Technology Professional/Actor/Entrepreneur, Stoneham, MA 5-22-14
"I just wanted to acknowledge the receipt of two Godly ordained pieces of poetic/prophetic art which the Payne's received in the mail yesterday. No question, the gates are open! God's out pour of creative flow from your heart to His Kingdom is such a blessing Terry! I have had a chance to read the first few pages of each book and feel the creative impartation and honor already."
Rene M. Payne
Communications/Design Executive, Franklin, MA 5-23-14
"I got my copy of your second book. I love it! I started reading some of the poems and found my self laughing out loud. I look forward to reading the rest of the poems. I'm also interested in purchasing your first book. Let me know how I can do that."
Karen Maynard
Vocalist/Entertainer, New York, NY 5-24-14
"#SummerReadingList. Congrats to my friend#TerryECarter on his #books of #poems. Make sure you get a copy of #BrownSkinandtheBeautifulFaith by Terry E. Carter. #books, #poetry, #readinglist,#whatiamreading"
Jodia Nesbeth
Finance and Insurance Professional, New York, NY 5-24-14
"Terry I see you and your brother in your father. What an awesome poem. And I am loving the new release. Taking my time reading it slowly. Savoring every word."
Launa Johnston
Professional Model, Boston, MA 5-26-14
and now a word from our sponsor...